Boom Overture aircraft
Source: Boom supersonic

Boom Overture is an up-and-coming supersonic aircraft that is in development, it is the first aircraft to reach this far into development out of many historical attempts to replace the legendary Concorde which is the fastest commercial aircraft to date.
The manufacturer of the supersonic aircraft declared in a statement that “Rolls Royce’s” planned engine design and legacy business model is not the best option.”

Boom Supersonic and Rolls-Royce are no longer working together.

Boom Supersonic said it will drop the British manufacturer from its supplier list and will seek out a new provider for an engine for its Overture supersonic jets in development.

“We are appreciative of Rolls-Royce’s work over the last few years, but it became clear that Rolls’ proposed engine design and legacy business model is not the best option for Overture’s future airline operators or passengers,” Boom told in a company statement to

In order to make their planes go faster than the speed of sound, Boom said that it is looking for a new supplier. Later this year, the business promised, “we will unveil our chosen engine partner and our innovative approach for safe, affordable, and sustainable supersonic flight.”

It is unclear who ended the relationship, which began in 2020. According to a media story, the breakup may have been started by Rolls-Royce.

“We’ve finished our contract with Boom and provided different engineering studies for their Overture supersonic programme.”

Rolls-Royce claimed in a statement to AIN Online

Rolls-Royce has decided that the commercial aviation supersonic market is not currently a priority for us and, as a result, will not pursue

It is uncertain who ended the collaboration, which began in 2020. According to a media story, the breakup may have been started by Rolls-Royce.

An American Airlines spokesperson told AIN that as Boom continues to develop the Overture aircraft, “we will work together to better understand where, when and how it may fit within our network and operation.” The spokesperson added that the purchase of the aircraft is still pending the completion of a signed contract.

Boom has already struck a number of agreements, including one with United Airlines for a future supersonic passenger flight. According to Boom, it hopes to cut the current transit time of 7 hours and 15 minutes between Paris and Montreal to only 3 hours and 45 minutes, about half the current subsonic time of 7 hours and 15 minutes.

What does the future hold for Boom supersonic?

Although things may seem bleak for supersonic flight it is definitely the future and it is only a matter of time before Boom gets another engine supplier as there are a number of manufacturers available to them.

Boom overture is expected to deliver comfort along with supersonic speeds unlike the Concorde which had an uncomfortable cabin, but this also means Overture can only carry 60 passengers.

Though it might seem that Boom would have less commercial demand due to its capacity and higher costs there is a market segment where it might excel initially and gets enough recognition to enter the passenger jet market.

That segment is the private jets market segment, the extremely rich are required to fly around the globe and as a result, they own private jets. As we would all know, for rich businessmen, Time is the most important thing and they would save a lot if they travelled supersonic saving them hundreds of hours of travel per year.

Therefore, it is possible that Boom overture would debut as a private jet for a billionaire, maybe Elon musk would be up for it?


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